This lgbtq+ wellbeing workshop equips participants with new tools for self-empowerment and growth; challenging self-imposed narratives and bringing more awareness to the impact that our stories can have on deciding our own future.

The power of story telling.
Stories have a profound impact on us as human beings. They influence our mind, body and emotions. Our stories become our own personal maps as we navigate our way through life: acting as fundamental guides for how we relate, communicate with and understand one another and the world we live in - especially in this digital age.
What stories have you been telling yourself recently?
For some of us, sharing our 'story’ is integrated into everyday life. Perhaps even part of our job. And thanks to social media we can share at any time. Every single day we are presented with so many possible routes of disclosure - about our past, present and future. 2020 has been a challenging year for many, and it's certainly not over. But the content we now choose to project may well be what decides our future, and guides us towards our new goals.
"You can't use an old map to explore a new world."
- Albert Einstein

Entering a new world, but still telling the same old story?
It's human nature to find ourselves telling the stories we're simply used to telling. Even the stories we perhaps think the other person wants to hear. The stories we feel comfortable telling. Or the stories we feel we need to tell in order to be heard. But each and every time we present ourselves to the world we have the unique opportunity to reflect and question the validity of the information we are putting out there. If we don't challenge ourselves and question the familiar, then we run the risk of becoming our own personal narrative. It's so easy to get stuck and even develop self-limiting beliefs through the habitual and recurring story lines we tell ourselves. Are your stories empowering you or holding you back?
Is it time to reset your narrative?
What you could now ask yourself:
Is this narrative depicting the most accurate, up-to-date and authentic version of myself?
What impact are my stories having? (On myself, other people and society)
What are my intentions and motivations? Have they shifted?
What story could I be telling instead?
Discover what's possible.
By picking holes in our own narrative we are able to learn, grow and move forward. By listening to the voice of the unknown, exploring the possibilities, we can spot exciting new opportunities and bring about positive change in our own lives, and in the lives of others.
About the workshop.
This digital workshop series is inspired by John Paul Lederach’s theory of the Moral Imagination. We present the importance of imagination as a tool when questioning your own story. You will be invited to take part in various creative and interactive workshops to help you focus on the possibilities. Being able to envision yourself and others in different ways is a fundamental practice for self-reflection, conflict resolution and personal growth.
During our three hour 'What's My Purpose?' workshop you will:
Hear the inspiring stories of others who have shifted their personal narrative
Recalibrate your perspective with examples of what’s possible in your life
Challenge your assumptions about what’s limiting your capacity
Explore why your mindset is key, and how entrenched beliefs can be transformed
Key themes we'll use to explore, reflect and reset:
1. Relationships
2. Curiosity
3. Creativity
4. Risks
Key self-care tools:
We'll be incorporating tried and tested psychological and holistic practices such as journaling, group sharing, self-enquiry, breathwork and meditation. These will be interspersed with key teachings and developmental coaching practices.

About the team.
We personally design, organise and facilitate each of our retreats and workshops; partnering internationally with leading industry professionals in each sector. Throughout the duration of the retreat, you’ll work in close collaboration with each of the team members in respect of their given workshop.
What do we offer?
We are offering a safe yet playful space for you to get curious, open up and discuss with others, aspects of your life that you're finding challenging or want to improve. This is not group therapy. Instead, it is an opportunity to access wider teachings and peer support. We understand that some participants may be at different stages on their personal development journey. As a result, the event programme has been shaped to support newbies to kick start the self-exploration process, and to provide new tools and perspectives for more skilled participants to integrate in their road map.
Please note - this is an LGBTQ+ workshop.
This workshop is for those individuals who identify as part of the lgbtq+ community. Please respect this as it creates a safe space for all to share.

Our partners.
We are proud to partner with myGwork to deliver this wellbeing and self-empowerment workshop. myGwork is the business community for LGBT+ professionals, graduates, inclusive employers and anyone who believes in workplace equality.
Follow us on Instagram to find out more or hear when new dates are released: