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Pride & Beyond: Queer Leadership Virtual Summit 2022.


Updated: Jun 3, 2024

A virtual experience designed to equip LGBTQ+ leaders with tools and knowledge for building a more inclusive, healthier, and sustainable Queer Future - supporting individuals in their roles as change-agents, during Pride and beyond.

Pride and Beyond - Queer Leadership Virtual Summit 2022

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Advocating for marginalised groups is far from easy, but especially during ‘peak seasons’. It comes with added pressures, responsibility and often hidden personal costs. We launched our ‘Pride & Beyond’ events because we believe that well-being and mental health have to become a priority for any Queer Leader. If we want to make a long-lasting impact and change within our communities, it’s imperative we take care of ourselves, and each other.

It was also an opportunity to connect our global LGBTQ+ network, across corporate and the wider community, and support those driving forward change within their organisations during Pride, and beyond. With an exciting mix of creative workshops and inspiring talks, we invited our community to explore what authentic and inclusive leadership means to them.

Pride and Beyond - Queer Leadership Virtual Summit 2022

1. Panel Discussion: Be the Change.

with Ben Pechey (they/them), Chloë Davies (she/her), Eva Echo (she/they) and Geff Parsons (he/him).

Though we stand on the shoulders of giants, the actions we take as Queer Leaders will also inform our legacy. Being the change we want to see in our communities and organisations calls us to draw on the very essence of our values, beliefs, unique expression of our /identities, without losing sight of our wellbeing needs. Being the change doesn’t mean being perfect, and being a role model doesn’t have to involve being on ‘that’ list. Understanding that we all have a scope of agency and influence is so important. In this panel we discuss what it means to show up in the ‘fullness of ourselves’ – how authentic leadership can help sustain our drive for change.

2. Workshop: My Voice, My Story.

with Shiva Raichandani (they/them) and Andrew Seedall (he/him).

Being a change-agent, improving where we are today to create belonging and inclusivity are no small tasks. And on this journey, we are often asked to ‘tell our story’. Storytelling is a transformational tool for activism, it has the power to educate informally and humanise the reality of our lived experience through emotional connection. In that respect, the stories we choose to tell can bring our purpose to life, or they can sometimes hold us back. In this session, we explore how to find confidence in storytelling and lean into the wisdom of our voice to help us get out of our heads, and into our hearts.

3. in-Conversation: Navigating the Media.

with Ben Pechey (they/them), Yasir Mirza (he/him) and Chris Kenna (he/him).

The media plays an important role in shaping public and political attitudes towards minorities in general. Discourse around LGBTQ+ issues may have evolved, and in some instances, led to constructive change but this has yet to be said for Transgender, Queer and Non-Binary folks who still find themselves at the centre of hate rhetoric and controversy. As Queer Leaders we’re regularly being called to speak out for our community, especially within the organisations we work for, and during Pride season in particular. Our statements and stories are sought after by the press; just as we freely use our social platforms to shed light on the issues we stand for. In this discussion, we explore how to pitch ourselves authentically and navigate the media to have meaningful impact.

4. Mindful Reset: A Guided Practice.

with Char Bailey (she/her) and David Kam (he/him).

Challenging the status quo takes grit (with grace). And sometimes, our words and our actions can fall short. Whether we lack the grounding or the confidence in what we're doing – doubt and fear can prevent us from truly expressing ourselves. Mindfulness is an essential tool for self expression. It also helps cultivate creativity by growing our experience with self-awareness. In this session, we explore short mindfulness practices to help focus our attention and tune into our own intuitive process.

5. Panel : Queer Resilience and Intra-Community Allyship.

with Eva Echo (she/they), Rico Jacob Chace (he/him), Yassine Senghor (she/her) and Tatum Karmen Swithenbank (she/they).

Pride season offers us a platform to share our history, our journey, our resilience – the unique strengths and qualities that derive from our lived experiences of being queer in a heteronormative world. As leaders within our organisations and communities, we often hold the power and privilege to lead our ERG networks, or our company’s DEI objectives. But when our bias is left unchecked, we can unconsciously become gatekeepers to those of us whose intersecting identities create more barriers to representation – their voices matter and are invaluable to our growth as a community. In this panel we discuss how to become better allies – who empower and create space for the most marginalised folks within our community to tell their stories.

6. Workshop: Finding Your No: Nurturing Self-Compassion and Healthy Boundaries.

with Dr Paul Taylor-Pitt (he/him) and Tash Thomas (she/her).

Being a visible Queer Leader during Pride comes with added pressures, responsibility and often hidden personal costs. Authentic Queer Leadership is about challenging the status quo, but it’s also about honouring the energy we invest as change-agents by listening to our bodies and making a conscious effort to look after ourselves. Setting boundaries is an act of radical self compassion. Studies show that self-compassion helps foster the resilience we need to effectively help and lead others. In this session we share some essential tools and practices to sustain our activism and preserve our wellbeing.

7. Workshop: Emotional Regulation and Integration.

with Jamie Clements (he/him).

Pride gets us to reflect. We're often looking back to look forward. When we’re listening to people’s stories and sharing ours, emotions can often come to the surface. Throughout this busy and intensive period, we’re also probably going to be challenged. We’re going to feel frustrated at times… In this session you will experience how breathwork can be used as a tool for self regulation. Together, we explore a short practice to support us in having better influence over our internal state of being (how we think, feel, behave, and react) – which equips us to face more confidently the complex dynamics of transformation and change.

We hope that the sessions inspire you and cultivate more confidence in knowing, connecting and sharing your story as a change-maker.

Want to join us next year? Be sure to sign up to our newsletter here.

And if you want an opportunity to come together as Queer Leaders and Change-Makers in person, check out our Queer Leadership Retreat happening in Norfolk on 04-06 July.

Pride and Beyond - Queer Leadership Retreat 2022

Queer Leadership Retreat 2022

This is an opportunity to pause and reflect, acquire some new sustainable leadership tools and create space for personal and professional growth. Connect with other LGBTQ+ activists and learn from those driving forward change within their organisations and communities.

You can find more information on how to join here.

We hope to see you there!

At WE CREATE SPACE we love to create meaningful and engaging content dedicated to helping organisations become more inclusive for all their employees. To learn more about how we can create bespoke videos, articles, research reports and more, check out our corporate DEI solutions or contact us through email:


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